Tired of playing “whack-a-mole” with your sleep issues?
If you’re like my insomnia clients, you’ve tried just about everything to catch some zzz’s.
Supplements, medications, dietary changes, new mattresses, orange goggles, nixing coffee…
It’s exhausting, to say the least. And you’re already exhausted, because your sleep sucks.
You’ve thought about “just accepting” your restless nights, but you can’t.
It’s taking a toll, and you need to figure it out.

Insomnia might be your friend. In fact, insomnia thinks it’s doing you a huge favor.
(Say whaaaat?! Bear with me. This will make sense soon.)
After helping countless clients reverse their sleep challenges, I’ve discovered that insomnia manifests as a protective mechanism to keep people safe and happy.
The problem is that this mechanism gets “stuck,” and it starts to cause more harm than good.
This happens subconsciously — people don’t decide to create insomnia. It’s a pattern that’s created automatically (usually because of negative beliefs formed in childhood, or traumatic experiences that create unpleasant associations with sleep).
The key to overcoming insomnia is to understand why your mind resists sleep. And once you have that understanding, you can rewire your mind for deep, consistent, restful sleep, night after night.
the top 4 subconscious beliefs that create insomnia
We often consider physical and emotional contributors to insomnia, like too much caffeine, high stress, or too much screen usage at night. However, very few people consider how subconscious beliefs impact sleep. I help clients understand and rewrite these beliefs so they can finally get the zzz’s they’ve been missing. If these beliefs are working against you, no amount of melatonin will fix your sleep issues.
sleep isn't safe
People often have this belief if they had recurrent nightmares as a child. It also manifests when something scary or traumatic happens (for example: your house was robbed while you were sleeping). Because of these experiences, the mind creates a belief that sleep is unsafe.
sleep is boring
This belief is often formed in childhood. (Think about it: how many little kids do you know who like bedtime?) Unfortunately, it can follow you into your adult years, even if you’re not consciously aware of it. The good news? You can reprogram your mind to believe that sleep is amazing!
my body can't be trusted when I sleep
If you’ve ever experienced sleepwalking or bedwetting, you likely know the embarrassment and shame that can come with these issues. Even if you haven’t done these things since you were a child, the subconscious can get stuck on the idea that your body is unpredictable during sleep.
night time is "figure it out" time
If your mind suddenly “turns on” when it’s time to turn down the covers, you might be working with this belief. While it tries to help, it ultimately depletes you of energy, leaving you frazzled and unfocused during the day (when you could be doing good work).

The truth? Insomnia is actually easy to fix.
In my clinical hypnotherapy practice, I’ve helped dozens of clients resolve insomnia, and I knew I wanted to get this work into the hands of more people.
The thing is, insomnia can be a relatively simple thing to overcome, if you know what tools to use.
It pains me to see people chasing solution after solution, when insomnia is so commonly caused by a “buggy program” looping in the subconscious.
I’ve taken the four-step process I use with clients…
…and bundled it together into an easy-to-follow, DIY program that you can complete in one month.
Aside from a longer session that you’ll complete in the beginning, the average daily time commitment takes just 15 minutes.
Life’s too short to spend your days tired, drained, and depleted.
Let’s put insomnia to bed, shall we? 😉
client testimonial

unsomnia: the details
A fully guided self-hypnosis program. Rewire your mind for deep sleep in just 15 minutes a day.

stage 1: assess
We start by taking “sleep scores,” so you can track your progress as you move through the program. You’ll also listen to a relaxing practice audio to prepare for stage 2.
stage 2: investigate
Stage 2 includes a pre-recorded hypnosis session to help you understand and release the root cause of your sleep issues.
stage 3: rewire
For the next three weeks, you’ll listen to your sleep rewiring audio. Listen before bed to rewire your subconscious mind for deep sleep.
stage 4: celebrate
After 3 weeks of consistent listening, you’ll compare your current sleep scores to the ones you took at the beginning of the program. Improvement is inevitable, so prepare to celebrate!
unsomnia program specifics: what’s included
- Step-by-step video guidance through the program
- Relaxing practice audio to adjust to hypnosis
- Pre-recorded hypnotherapy session to understand and resolve your sleep issues
- Reflection worksheet to help process your session
- 6 rewiring audios to choose from (these are uniquely designed to target the top root causes of insomnia)
- Sleep assessment worksheet to track your sleep improvements over time
- Lifetime access to all program materials

Enroll Today for Instant Access
Uncover and release the subconscious root cause of your sleep issues. Unsomnia includes a pre-recorded hypnosis session, video lessons, and a library of audios designed to rewire your mind for deep sleep.
“I came to Holly after suffering years of poor sleep. I was on several different types of sleep aids and always felt like the slightest stress or change in circumstance would throw me off. I likened sleeping through the night like walking a tightrope: as long as everything was just right, I could sleep.
My work with Holly has helped my insomnia to start dissolving over the last 2 months. It hasn’t happened overnight, but with consistent effort, it has improved to the point that it feels surreal. I have gotten off of 3/4 of my sleep aids. I sleep for long stretches at a time and don’t feel like my sleep conditions are hinging on a tightrope anymore. I continue to improve every week and have been surprised and delighted at my results.
Holly is a gem and has been a pleasure to work with. She is skilled, caring, funny, and so down to earth, but none of those things would really matter if her work wasn’t also extremely effective.
I had so many questions and so much uncertainty going into this process, and Holly handled my inquisition with authenticity and compassion. Beautiful sleep is worth every single penny of this investment. I would absolutely recommend working with Holly to anyone who has struggled with insomnia.”
Frequently Asked Questions
I'm never experienced hypnosis. What's it like?
We have so many misconceptions about hypnosis, especially in the United States. Essentially, hypnosis is a form of relaxation. It helps you let go of your anxious “monkey mind,” so you can tap into the deeper truths within you. Most people say it feels like a guided meditation; I like to call it “meditation with a goal.”
Physically, you might feel a pleasant sense of heaviness or lightness in your body… like you are cozied up with a weighted blanket, or floating blissfully on an inflatable raft in a pool.
I can’t make you do anything that you don’t want to do (that’s a myth!), and you are in complete control the entire time. Entering this state of relaxation allows you to make changes to your thought patterns, beliefs, and behaviors much more quickly than with conscious effort alone.
When does the program start, and how much time will I need to spend on it?
Unsomnia is a self-paced program, and you can do it on your own time. It takes about a month to complete, but most of your time is spent upfront.
The most time-intensive part of the program is the pre-recorded hypnosis session, which is 50 minutes long. You do this at the beginning of the program. Aside from this, your average daily commitment is 15 minutes. (You’ll listen to a 15-minute rewiring audio for 3 weeks as you fall asleep at night.)
Does this program include 1-1 time with you?
This is a self-paced, pre-recorded program that does not include 1-1 time with me. If you are interested in working with me privately, please visit this page.
How is this different than a guided sleep meditation?
Guided sleep meditations simply provide suggestions for deep sleep, but they don’t help you uncover the root cause of why you’re having trouble sleeping. Without addressing the root cause, your mind will have a hard time accepting the suggestions of sleep meditations. Unsomnia helps you uncover the root cause, and the library of audios are specifically designed to address the most common root causes of sleep issues. This is not the case with traditional guided sleep meditations — Unsomnia is much more thorough and effective.
In this comprehensive 30-day program, you’ll:
- Assess your sleep challenges and identify your biggest obstacles to sleep
- Investigate the root cause of your insomnia through a pre-recorded hypnosis session
- Rewire your mind for deep sleep with a daily 15-minute audio that addresses the top subconscious roots of insomnia
- Celebrate your progress by comparing your scores pre- and post-program
Enroll Today for Instant Access
Uncover and release the subconscious root cause of your sleep issues. Unsomnia includes a pre-recorded hypnosis session, video lessons, and a library of audios designed to rewire your mind for deep sleep.