swing intuition
strengthen your intuition, make decisions with confidence, and have funLearning how to use a pendulum changed everything for me.
In 2016, I was lost, confused, and uncertain of my path. By total coincidence, I learned how to use a pendulum.
Learning this skill strengthened my confidence, my intuition, and my decision-making abilities. Now I want to teach it to you!

Every day, we’re faced with endless decisions: what to eat, what to wear, who to spend time with, what to say yes to, what to say no to, how much, how many…
Ahhhhhhhh! Some days, it’s easier to hide under the covers and say, “I don’t know.”
But “I don’t know” keeps you stuck. Action moves you forward.
Usually, we don’t take action because we don’t trust ourselves. We can’t hear that whisper of intuition inside, or we haven’t learned how to trust it.
A pendulum is the ultimate tool for strengthening your intuition.
It’s easy to learn, and the applications are endless. You can ask it simple yes or no questions, like “Is it in my best interest to go the event on Friday?”
You can also use it to choose ideal options from hundreds of data points. (For example, I used it to pick out my website domain from a list of 30 possibilities.)
You don’t need to be “psychic” or “gifted” to use a pendulum. This skill is available to everyone, and it will change your life.
I’ll show you how, and we’ll have loads of fun in the process. See you at the workshop! — Holly Higgins, CCHT, RTT

now available for instant download
Swing Intuition includes a step-by-step, pre-recorded workshop and printable companion guide.
You can watch it on your own time, and come back to it as often as you’d like!
here are just a few ways you can use a pendulum…
make decisions when it's hard to choose
If you find yourself stuck when you have multiple options to choose from, a pendulum will be your new BFF! Discover which path is right for you, no matter how many choices you might be facing.
determine ideal frequencies and amounts
How much should I charge? How often should I exercise? How many days should we spend on vacation? If you have a question that begins with “how much” or “how many,” a pendulum will show you the answer.
strengthen your intuition
When you use a pendulum regularly, you become very in tune with your internal “intuition muscle.” You’ll be able to feel the right answer inside of your body without even picking up a pendulum.
identify food and environmental sensitivities
Suspect that a food — or something in your environment — might be causing issues? A pendulum can help you find the culprit. You can also use it to determine which foods and products are healthiest for you.
locate lost objects
This sounds a little crazy, but it’s true — you can use your pendulum to find your keys, your phone, and whatever else has gone missing. It’s a mind-blowing (and highly practical) skill.
have loads of fun
Pendulums are insanely useful, but they’re also loads of fun. If you need some more Harry Potter vibes in your life (who doesn’t?!), this is the skill for you. (Also makes for an unforgettable party trick.)
workshop supplies: what you’ll need
- A pendulum, a necklace, a wet tea bag (with a string), or a heavy bead on a string
- A few pieces of blank paper
- A writing utensil
- Your printed workshop companion guide (you will receive this upon purchase)
- Any questions or life decisions you are pondering
- Foods, supplements, or personal products you would like to test
where to buy a pendulum
Pendulums are easy to find and purchase. If you have a favorite metaphysical or crystal shop, they probably have some in stock! Otherwise, take a look at the Etsy and Amazon links below. There are many types of pendulums, and lots of materials, shapes, and colors to choose from. I highly recommend picking a pendulum that you like: one that you think is pretty or resonates with you. Any pendulum will work, so long as it has a weighted object suspended from a chain or string.
Frequently Asked Questions
I already have experience using a pendulum. What will you be teaching in the workshop?
If you already know some pendulum basics, come prepared for a refresher and some advanced strategies. I’ll be covering technique, grounding practices, and basic yes/no/maybe answers. I’ll also be covering more advanced skills, like using charts and diagrams, testing for ranges and dosages, testing foods, supplements, and personal care products, and how to quickly sort through large amounts of data for precise answers.
Is this similar to muscle testing or kinesiology?
There are similarities and differences. Many people who have trouble muscle testing (or self-muscle testing) have lots of success with a pendulum. It can be easier to get clear answers with a pendulum.
You can use a pendulum for almost any application that you would use muscle testing for. I also find the tool is more versatile and nuanced than muscle testing, and I personally prefer it!
What is your refund policy? What are the terms and conditions?
No refunds are offered and all sales are final. By purchasing this workshop, you agree that all material presented is for informational and entertainment purposes only. You release Holly Higgins from any liability or claims concerning your mental or physical wellbeing.
now available for instant download
Swing Intuition includes a step-by-step, pre-recorded workshop and printable companion guide.
You can watch it on your own time, and come back to it as often as you’d like!