Transformational Hypnotherapy + Coaching
Feeling stuck or blocked?
Like an invisible rubber band is pulling you back?
You’re struggling with something.
Maybe it’s the fear of being seen, nagging mood issues, or an irrational phobia.
You’ve probably tried lots of things. All the things that you’re “supposed” to try.
They’ve helped a little, but you keep finding yourself in the same looping patterns.
You’re starting to wonder if there’s something wrong with you, and you’re worried “this is just the way it is.”

The good news? You’re never stuck.
After years as a practicing nutritionist and health coach, I started wondering why we don’t do the things we say we want to do.
Why is change so damn hard?
I wasn’t just curious for my clients’ sake — I was stuck in certain areas, too.
I wasn’t satisfied with the idea that “some things are just hard.”
So I went deep down the rabbit hole, studying and experimenting with just about every modality under the sun.
Eventually, I discovered the power of hypnotherapy — specifically, Rapid Transformational Hypnotherapy, or RTT.
My life hasn’t been the same since. And my clients’ results continually blow me away.

What is RTT, and why is it so effective?
RTT is a unique, hybrid form of hypnotherapy, developed by Marisa Peer. Marisa is consistently ranked as the top hypnotherapist in the UK, and I was fortunate to train with her directly.
It’s effective because it works with the power of the subconscious mind, which is the “automatic tape player” that governs 95 percent of your thoughts and behaviors.
Here’s the thing: your conscious mind can be excited about all sorts of wonderful changes, but if your subconscious mind isn’t on board, 95 percent of your mind is working against your conscious desires.
That’s why change is hard! You’re doing everything you can on a conscious level, but even at full strength, it only accounts for 5 percent of your mind.
For true, lasting change, the conscious and subconscious must be integrated. Otherwise, it’s like driving with one foot on the gas, and one on the brake.
how I can help: my areas of focus
self-esteem + confidence
Feelings of “not-good-enoughness” bring you down. Maybe you’re keeping yourself from relationships, professional opportunities, or creative endeavors that you know would bring you joy.
sleep + wake issues
Barely functioning because of insomnia? Can’t wake up on time to save your life? Uncover + release the root cause, so you can stop relying on bandaid approaches like sleep aids and multiple alarms.
unwanted emotional patterns
Maybe you’re quick to anger, you always say “yes” when you really mean “no,” or you struggle with perfectionism and procrastination. I’ll help you release old patterns and create new ways of being.
self-sabotage + habit change
You get started — and get going! — only to find that you stop yourself, time and time again. Whether it’s your personal life, your career, or your habits, you’re tired of the merry-go-round.
speaking up + being seen
Struggle with public speaking, being on video, or “putting yourself out there” in some way? Maybe you even have a hard time voicing your opinion in friend groups or at work.
money blocks
Money feels icky and difficult. You might find yourself stuck in patterns of undercharging, overspending, or obsessively worrying about your finances. It feels like you can’t get ahead.
entrepreneurial fears
Being your own boss tends to bring up ALL of your fears, doubts, and self-imposed limits. If there’s a business block that feels ultra-sticky to you, hypnosis can help you break through.
physical symptoms
Symptoms aren’t always “random” — often, they have emotional and subconscious components. I’ve helped clients improve or eliminate headaches, skin conditions, digestive issues, and menstrual pain.
client testimonials (use the side arrows on the images to scroll through! ➡️➡️➡️)
Breakthrough Hypnotherapy Intensive (1-Month Program)
This option is ideal if you have a single, specific challenge that you want to work on (like fear of public speaking). We will get straight to the heart of the issue and do the healing work that’s needed for you to achieve freedom. It’s common for clients to experience profound improvement or complete resolution of an issue after just one intensive.
- 30-minute clarity call to understand your challenges, triggers, and the transformation you’re seeking
- Guided home practice audio to help you enter hypnosis easily
- 2.5-hour hypnotherapy session to release your blocks and create powerful new beliefs and behaviors
- Completely customized, professional quality self-hypnosis recording to cement the healing work done in session
- 30-minute follow-up call to assess your progress and celebrate your wins
- Email check-ins for motivation and support throughout your entire program
Investment: $1200
*Now $880 during The Experiment Sale*
Payment Plan: You can divide the payment into 4 biweekly payments of $220 with PayPal’s “Pay in 4” option.
3-Month Hypnotherapy + Coaching Program
Have multiple layers you’d like to work through? Over the course of three months, we’ll go DEEP, so that you can become the person you know you are — your true, unapologetic self. This experience is ideal for healers, entrepreneurs, creatives, and mothers who are committed to their ongoing growth and expansion.
- (3x) 30-min coaching calls to understand your challenges, triggers, and the transformation you’re seeking
- Guided home practice audio to help you enter hypnosis easily
- (3x) 2.5-hour hypnotherapy sessions to release your blocks and create powerful new beliefs and behaviors
- (3x) Completely customized, professional quality self-hypnosis recordings to cement the healing work done in your sessions
- Closing and integration call to celebrate and honor your progress
- Email check-ins for motivation and support throughout your entire program
Investment: $3300
*Now $2550 during The Experiment Sale*
Payment Plan: You can divide the payment into 3 monthly payments of $865.
Now Booking for Early 2025
If you’re interested in working with Holly, please schedule a complimentary clarity call.
the process: what to expect
gentle hypnosis
During an RTT session, I’ll guide you into a very gentle state of hypnosis. This enables you to relax and let go of your “monkey mind.” Most clients say this feels like a guided meditation. You remain alert and in complete control the entire time.
root cause resolution
Next, we uncover the subconscious root cause of your issue. Using a variety of techniques, we honor and release the blocks that have been holding you back. This offers tremendous insight, perspective, and freedom.
21-day rewire period
Finally, I’ll create a completely customized hypnosis audio for you. This cements the work done in session, so you can transform your beliefs, perspectives, and feelings to achieve the outcome you want. You’ll listen to this audio for at least 21 days.
What kind of magic is this?!
I am feeling so light and positive again today. It feels like a new kind of antidepressant with no side effects.
I have talked to so many people the last two days. Partly I’m realizing that I do, in fact, talk to people every day. And partly it just doesn’t feel so scary to start a conversation.
I find myself thinking about certain parts of the recording during the day — many things resonate with me in a new way, and you’re really in my brain now!
In thinking about the scenes I revisited, they seem so trivial — nothing overtly traumatic and nothing that would have stood out to me in my memories of those times. Strange how the brain works.
Anyhow, I just wanted to let you know how things are going — and what a difference already. It’s hard to put all the changes into words!
I wish I’d known about this sooner, but maybe I wasn’t ready for it until now. Thank you isn’t enough, but thank you!
My whole life, I have felt stuck in the airport scene of Home Alone. I was a child of the early 90s, so you will have to forgive the movie reference. On the outside, I looked just like Kevin McCallister’s mom, well put-together and the “ringmaster” of her family’s circus. On the inside, I was frantically running to the next thing on my to-do list that was always endless.
When I decided to start my business in 2019, I had to face Mrs. McCallister head on. Every time I sat down to work, my heart would race out of control. I couldn’t focus, and my ideas were pulling me in every which direction. After 8 months of this, I happened to listen to Holly’s Mindspeak podcast and heard all about RTT. In my heart of hearts, I knew I was cut out for having my own business — it has been a dream of mine for a long time, but my body was literally not allowing this dream come to pass. I was so frustrated, felt shameful, and felt like I was the biggest failure no matter how hard I tried!
After doing RTT with Holly, I discovered the exact scenes in my life that created this “airport scene,” and why my mind and body wouldn’t let me get out of the terminal. It. IS. SO. Powerful! Revisiting these scenes didn’t hurt, and I had total control under hypnosis. Going back and being able to actually see and hear with my adult eyes/ears compared to younger me’s eyes/ears was life-changing. Since RTT, I have so much peace, joy, and focus! I never truly felt these emotions ever in my life.
I am launching my business in the next 60 days, and the information is pouring out of me! I am in love with being me now, and all the fear that had me panicking and running has been completely eradicated thanks to RTT! Finally, after 30 years, I got out of that freakin’ terminal and I am on my plane! We just taxied down the runway, and I am flying! The possibilities are endless, but I know exactly where I am headed. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, Holly!
Work with Holly
Holly is now booking clients for early 2025. If you’d like to work with Holly, please click below to schedule a complimentary clarity call.
I came to Holly with a fairly simple ask. I wanted to fix my inability to speak up. This is something that’s plagued my entire life. I have never been able to speak up for myself confidently. If you’re wondering how that inhibited my life, I can assure you that it made nearly every situation challenging. I am overlooked at work. I let other people talk on my behalf. I avoid people. I never talk about myself or my accomplishments. I never pursue my passions. I let others shine in my presence, while I try to make myself as small as possible. I just simply go about my day, trying to be invisible to the world.
In fact, that’s how I’ve lived my entire life, completely invisible. I shrink in group settings. I shrink at work. I shrink in public. I operate in a world as a complete ghost of a person. During my deepest battles with depression, I used to think, I may as well not even be here. It doesn’t matter. I don’t matter. No one sees me. That’s when I came to Holly. I wanted to finally be seen in this world by others, to feel like I was alive and important. I wanted to feel as if I existed in real life. I wanted to feel human.
During our first session, I had an immediate “aha” moment. A simple memory that I’ve held on to my entire life held the key to why I’ve felt the need to stay mute or invisible to the world. This memory has always popped up throughout my life, but I never knew its significance until our RTT session.
The memory was me as a three year old being carried through a department store by my Mom. A sales woman approached us and asked my name and how old I was. Before I could even speak, my Mom told the woman that I was incredibly shy and did not like to talk to people. She then proceeded to talk on my behalf and I could tell that she loved the attention she got from the sales woman. She loved being my voice. I also loved that she felt important, so I decided from that day forward that I would always let my Mom be the one who was the center of attention. It was an unspoken contract I was committed to. My willingness to go forward as an invisible person wasn’t necessarily about getting love from her, it was about how I wanted to show her how much I loved her. I was willing to sacrifice my childhood cuteness, my eagerness to be a famous actress or a writer, voice my very vocal opinions, or my want to be front and center, all because I wanted her to feel important and loved in a world that had otherwise been cruel to her.
This discovery has changed my life. Prior to this, I always felt small. I had always shrunk myself to a point where I wanted to be as tiny as possible. I would walk around in the world and repeat to myself, “please don’t look at me.” I didn’t want to be seen. I didn’t want to exist. When near people I loved, I always pushed them to the center. I watched as they would talk about their accomplishments and their passions, while I would step back in the background, both figuratively and literally.
After the session with Holly, I immediately felt large. I felt visible. The prior neural connections that used to fire off panicked thoughts of maintaining my invisibility, now couldn’t produce the same feelings. I don’t shrink anymore. When I’m out in public, my constant need to hide from people has disappeared. I don’t have to sit in the car for 15 minutes to give myself a pep talk before I step into the world. I also don’t need to walk around in a constant state of resentment, because I’m constantly trying to mute myself around others (when really I’m a very opinionated and passionate person).
My creative abilities have come back. I’m finding myself writing more. I’m also super productive. I have more willingness to accomplish goals because I no longer have restrictive thoughts about being invisible. Being invisible makes building a business or being creative impossible, because visibility is everything.
The most challenging thing about this process has been that without the invisibility shackles, I feel as if I can do ANYTHING! It’s been hard to know what to tackle first. I have insane creative energy.
My RTT session with Holly was nothing short of a miracle in shifting over to who I want to be. Had I tried to resolve this issue myself, I would have spent years trying to get to the root cause without really knowing what it actually was. I could have done all the self-help work in the world and only putting a small bandaid over the problem without realizing that underneath was a festering issue that I couldn’t get to.
I’m excited to do another RTT session with Holly. I’m looking forward to discovering other things that might be holding myself back, not to necessarily become a perfect human, but to step into the person I was meant to be.
Frequently Asked Questions
I'm never experienced hypnosis. What's it like?
We have so many misconceptions about hypnosis, especially in the United States. Essentially, hypnosis is a form of relaxation. It helps you let go of your anxious “monkey mind,” so you can tap into the deeper truths within you. Most people say it feels like a guided meditation; I like to call it “meditation with a goal.”
Physically, you might feel a pleasant sense of heaviness or lightness in your body… like you are cozied up with a weighted blanket, or floating blissfully on an inflatable raft in a pool.
I can’t make you do anything that you don’t want to do (that’s a myth!), and you are in complete control the entire time. Your eyes will be closed, but we will be talking back and forth for the duration of the session.
Entering this state of relaxation allows you to make changes to your thought patterns, beliefs, and behaviors much more quickly than with conscious effort alone. We achieve this both in session, and through your personalized self-hypnosis recording, which you get to keep forever.
How does it work? Can it be done online?
All of my sessions are held virtually over Zoom video conference. You’ll need a strong internet connection, and you’ll need to download Zoom (it’s like Skype). Most people connect over their laptop or phone. For our hypnosis session, you’ll also need to be in a comfortable place where you won’t be disturbed. Propped up in bed or semi-reclined on a couch is ideal.
I'm anxious, a total control freak, and I'm really worried this won't work for me!
You’re in the right place. Nearly all of my clients start out saying:
“I’m worried I’m going to be the one person this doesn’t work for”…
“My brain runs a million miles per hour, and I can’t relax”…
“I’m such a control freak, and I don’t know how I’ll be able to ‘let go’ in session”…
Don’t worry — I’ve got you! I work with these types of concerns all the time, and I have many tools to bring you to a space of calm and openness. You can do this, and I know how to help.
How long will it take for me to notice an improvement?
Change after a hypnosis session typically occurs in one of three ways. You may also experience a mix of these three.
Immediate: you feel a tremendous change in your thoughts, feelings, and actions immediately after a session, almost like a switch has been flipped.
Cumulative: With every day that passes, you see incremental improvement. Over time, this adds up to a big shift.
Retrospective: I also call this “rear-view mirror” change. Even if you don’t feel major shifts right away, you’re able to look back in time and see the incredible growth and progress you’ve made.
Who do you work with? Can you work with men or kids?
I work with adult women and men, ages 18 and older, who have a sincere, personal desire to heal and change.
At this time, I don’t work with children, though I would love to add that to my skillset one day!
How has this work helped you personally?
I’ve had major breakthroughs with this work, which is what inspired me to pursue it professionally. Most notably, it’s helped me with confidence, self-worth, boundaries, creativity, and self-expression. (I wouldn’t have started a podcast without the breakthrough I achieved!) I’ve also used it to overcome physical health issues that weren’t responding to diet or lifestyle changes.
Oh — and I also used it to stop my lifelong habit of sleeping through my alarm. I share all about that experience on episode 28 of Mindspeak, which you can listen to here.
I have tried a lot of other avenues to try to change my thoughts and behaviors for the better. I have tried clinical hypnotherapy, meditation, counseling, emotional release, and tapping. I can say without a doubt that I noticed the largest and fastest change in my thought patterns and actions through RTT.
Holly is amazing at guiding you through the process, helping you find what to work on, and following up on anything else you need. She is very professional, and makes you feel completely comfortable and confident. I would highly recommend you make an investment in your life by trying RTT with Holly Higgins. For me I could not afford to not do RTT, which as a result is changing my mind and therefore my life!
On this, the last day of the month, I can happily say I have not had one bad headache for this entire month! I’m (almost) speechless!
RTT with Holly has offered me amazing relief.
After years of trying so many things for my headaches, I was beginning to feel hopeless.
However, after doing lots of personal work, I began to see a very clear pattern with my headaches in relation to emotional stress.
Working with Holly has been an incredible blessing in my life and I will be forever grateful for her and the work she is doing.
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!!
Work with Holly
Holly is now booking clients for early 2025. If you’d like to work with Holly, please click below to schedule a complimentary clarity call.