
mission unblocked

Ditch the self-doubt and step into your next level of expression + income.

You’ve got big work to do in the world — but something’s holding you back.

As you reach toward your next level in business and creativity, you’re bumping up against all kinds of emotional roadblocks: 

Self doubt. Fear of being seen. Money blocks. Procrastination.

And that’s just the short list. 😅

Logistically, you can see the steps you need to take to get where you want to go…

But internally? That’s a different story. 

The resistance is strong. It feels like you’re walking through mud.

And you’re tired of battling your inner demons every day.

I get it. I’ve been there, too.

I’ve built a successful, fully booked business twice — both as a nutritionist, and now, as a hypnotherapist.

Behind the scenes, I’ve done a ton of inner work to create this dream. It hasn’t been easy, and I’m not one of those people who “just got lucky.”

I’ve come face-to-face with imposter syndrome, “not-good-enoughness,” and money struggles. I almost crapped my pants the first time I got on camera, and I’ve dealt with the heartache of feeling overly responsible for clients’ results.

Here are some other stories I’ve told myself: I don’t know enough, I’m too “weird,” and no one will take me seriously. (This inevitably led to hours of comparison-scrolling on Instagram, wishing I had the confidence to be like so-and-so.) I’ve worked through these fears, and I continue to when new layers pop up.

I truly believe that deep inner work is why I’ve been successful. Moving through emotional resistance has been key to actually showing up for my business, and now I help others do the same. 

are any of these issues getting in your way?

imposter syndrome

You feel like you don’t know enough, you’re not good enough, or someone’s going to find out you’re a fraud. Your inner critic constantly says, “Who am I to do this?”

money blocks

Money feels icky and difficult. You might find yourself stuck in patterns of undercharging, overspending, or obsessively worrying about your finances. It feels like you can’t get ahead.

overgiving + people-pleasing

You say yes when you want to say no, and bend over backwards for others. It’s hard to stick to your personal boundaries because you’re afraid of disappointing others.


Your sky-high standards are stalling your growth and momentum. You nitpick everything you do and you wish you could give yourself more grace. 

speaking up + being seen

When you think about putting yourself out there, you freeze. Or when you do, you have a massive vulnerability hangover. It stops you from promoting your work the way you want to.


You keep putting things off and kicking the can down the road. You can’t stay focused, and whenever you do get focused, you’re doing busywork that doesn’t move the needle.


You can’t “turn off” work, or you’re working in a way that feels misaligned. It’s been like this for too long, and now you’re frazzled, fried, and disconnected from your vision. 

self-doubt + second-guessing

You feel cloudy and disconnected from your intuition. Or, you’ll get a rush of creativity and clarity, only to smother it with second-guessing. 

Let’s play a game. Imagine someone hands you your dream business right now.

You have the perfect website, the perfect “lead generation system,” and clients are lined up to work with you. Just for fun, let’s give you 20K new social media followers, too. All the infrastructure is there. You just have to show up. Yay!

Here’s the test: when a new client asks your prices, does your throat still close up?

When you have to get on video in front of those 20K new followers, do you still worry about how you’ll be perceived? And what your old friends are going to think?

When you’re with a client, and they’re crying and frustrated, can you sit with them in love? Or do you immediately make it mean you need another certification?

If you really think about this, you’ll see that your business woes have everything to do with your confidence, self-belief, and identity.

All the outside “stuff” (websites, followers, etc.) doesn’t matter if you don’t have the self-belief. And in fact, your lack of self-belief is what’s blocking the outside “stuff” to begin with. The outside stuff is easy when the inner belief is present.

I know this because I’ve lived this.

And that’s why I created Mission Unblocked.

This is the part of entrepreneurship that nobody talks about until you’re in it. Entrepreneurship is greatest growth catalyst.

Fellow practitioners asked me for business mentorship for years, and I always said no.

The reason? I have very little interest in telling you how to set up an email list and what kind of scheduling system you should use. You can Google that stuff and find a video tutorial in 10 seconds. (Sorry — it’s true!)

All the information is out there. It’s not a lack of information that keeps you from moving forward. It’s a lack of self-belief.

If you’ve asked me for business advice in the past, I probably sent you a list of my favorite personal development books, because I truly believe that growing a business is the ultimate exercise in personal development.

Your business, your practice, your big, juicy creative endeavor? It will bring up all your shit. All your doubts. All your fears. That’s the real work.

You pretending you’re “stuck” because you can’t figure out a software problem is BS, and you know it. 😜

If you’re willing to acknowledge the truth of this, I’m ready to say “yes” to being your business mentor.

So what changed? Why am I now offering business mentorship?

The short answer is that I discovered the power of hypnotherapy — specifically, Rapid Transformational Hypnotherapy, or RTT.

At first I was using it with my health coaching clients, but very quickly, I learned that it’s an extremely effective tool for working through business blocks.

After working through my own blocks, and helping other practitioners work through theirs, I realized I couldn’t keep this to myself anymore. I am ready — and so, so excited — to help you move through all the icky stuff that’s keeping you from stepping into your mission.

But we’re gonna do it a little differently, m’kay?

Because I am not your average practitioner, and if you’ve read this far, I know you’re not an average human.

Which is wonderful, because that puts us in a place for supernatural collaboration. ✨

Apply for the January 2022 Group

The next round of Mission Unblocked begins January 12, 2022. If this experience is calling you, apply for your spot today! The group is capped at 10 participants and will fill quickly.

why hypnotherapy?

 If you’re reading this, I know that you want — at a conscious level — to have a business or a practice that is deeply fulfilling on all levels.

The ickiness, the resistance, and the “blocks” that you’re feeling are there because your subconscious mind isn’t on board with your conscious desires.

For example: If you grew up in a family that had a strained or unconventional relationship with money, you’re going to carry those subconscious money stories right into your business.

If you had a straight-laced upbringing, and now you’re trying to practice energy medicine and let your freak flag fly, your inner child is going to tell you that you’re not safe. (It doesn’t matter that you moved across the country to escape said upbringing.)

Throughout our lives, we encounter “big T” and “little T” traumas that tell us, “It’s not safe to be who you are. It’s not safe to listen to your desires.”

This is why we resist our callings. This is why you feel terrible, icky constraint in your business. Your conscious mind is trying to expand and grow, but your subconscious mind doesn’t believe it’s safe.

Through hypnotherapy, we gain direct access to the outdated programs, stories, and beliefs that are keeping you stuck. We rewire these programs so that your subconscious mind understands it’s safe for you to move forward.

When your subconscious mind gets on board with your conscious desires, that’s where the magic happens. That’s when business becomes a natural — and thrilling — extension of who you are.

get the full scoop on mindspeak podcast, episode 40

If you’re reading along and thinking, “YES! THIS MAKES SO MUCH SENSE!,” I highly recommend you listen to Mindspeak Podcast, Episode 40. I’m doing a deep dive on all the program specifics, and sharing some fascinating client case studies. Listen below: 

mission unblocked: the details

This is a 3-month hypnotherapy intensive for holistic practitioners, coaches, and creative entrepreneurs. We will do deep 1-1 work together, and we’ll explore all things mindset + strategy in an intimate small group container.

Connect directly with the spirit of your baby(ies) for guidance, comfort, and clarity

In our 1-1 time together, we'll work on your toughest personal blocks through RTT hypnotherapy and coaching. Whether you're struggling with imposter syndome, boundaries, or money mindset, I'll help you break through.

masterclasses and group coaching calls

Every week, I’ll host a themed masterclass on the most important aspects of business mindset + strategy. These 90-minute calls are a mix of learning, Q+A, and group coaching. Replays are available if you cannot attend the calls live.

closed community support

You’ll have access to a private Facebook community with your fellow program members. Post questions for my feedback, get support from others, and share your wins. This is our hub for connection and encouragement between calls.

program specifics: what’s included

Dates + Call Times

Mission Unblocked takes place January 12 – March 30, 2022. Our 12 weekly group calls are on Wednesdays from 12-1:30pm EST. Private sessions with Holly are scheduled on Thursdays and Fridays.

Private, 1-1 Work

  • 2 x 1-hour coaching calls to create your vision and define a path forward
  • 2 x 2-hour RTT hypnotherapy sessions to understand and release the emotional root cause of your blocks
  • 2 x 15-minute custom hypnosis audios to rewire your subconscious for success, confidence, and abundance
  • 1 x 30-minute follow-up coaching and celebration call

Group Experience

  • 12 x 90-minute group coaching calls (these are a mix of learning, Q+A, and coaching) — replays available
  • Private Facebook group to receive support, feedback, and encouragement between calls

Core Topics Covered

Confidence: the world needs your work — stop waiting for an imaginary authority figure to give you permission

Marketing: how to *actually enjoy* social media marketing without falling into soul-sucking comparisionitis

Aligned offer creation: package your services in a way that makes sense for you and your client’s journey

Money mindset + pricing: overcome your money fears and structure your offers to make a full-time living (without burnout)

Business boundaries: if you find yourself in patterns of overgiving, always being available, or saying “yes” to every client request, boundaries are the magic elixir

Taking the suck out of selling: how to sell in a way that feels awesome for you AND your potential clients

Apply for the January 2022 Group

The next round of Mission Unblocked begins January 12, 2022. If this experience is calling you, apply for your spot today! The group is capped at 10 participants and will fill quickly.


My whole life, I have felt stuck in the airport scene of Home Alone. I was a child of the early 90s, so you will have to forgive the movie reference. On the outside, I looked just like Kevin McCallister’s mom, well put-together and the “ringmaster” of her family’s circus. On the inside, I was frantically running to the next thing on my to-do list that was always endless.

When I decided to start my business, I had to face Mrs. McCallister head on. Every time I sat down to work, my heart would race out of control. I couldn’t focus, and my ideas were pulling me in every which direction. After 8 months of this, I happened to listen to Holly’s Mindspeak podcast and heard all about RTT hypnotherapy. In my heart of hearts, I knew I was cut out for having my own business — it has been a dream of mine for a long time, but my body was literally not allowing this dream come to pass. I was so frustrated, felt shameful, and felt like I was the biggest failure no matter how hard I tried!

After doing RTT with Holly, I discovered the exact scenes in my life that created this “airport scene,” and why my mind and body wouldn’t let me get out of the terminal. It. IS. SO. Powerful!  Revisiting these scenes didn’t hurt, and I had total control under hypnosis. Going back and being able to actually see and hear with my adult eyes/ears compared to younger me’s eyes/ears was life-changing. Since RTT, I have so much peace, joy, and focus! I never truly felt these emotions ever in my life. 

I am launching my business in the next 60 days, and the information is pouring out of me! I am in love with being me now, and all the fear that had me panicking and running has been completely eradicated thanks to RTT! Finally, after 30 years, I got out of that freakin’ terminal and I am on my plane! We just taxied down the runway, and I am flying! The possibilities are endless, but I know exactly where I am headed. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, Holly!

Kathleen S.


how RTT hypnotherapy works

All sessions are completed in the comfort of your own home, via Zoom video conferencing.

gentle hypnosis

During an RTT session, I’ll guide you into a very gentle state of hypnosis. This enables you to relax and let go of your “monkey mind.” Most clients say this feels like a guided meditation. You remain alert and in complete control the entire time.


root cause resolution

Next, we uncover the subconscious root cause of your issue. Using a variety of techniques, we honor and release the blocks that have been holding you back. This offers tremendous insight, perspective, and freedom.

21-day rewire period

Finally, I’ll create a completely customized hypnosis audio for you. This cements the work done in session, so you can transform your beliefs, perspectives, and feelings to achieve the outcome you want. You’ll listen to this audio for at least 21 days.   

benefits that clients frequently report:

» Fully owning the weird, wild, "woo" parts of themselves, without apology

» Showing up consistently and confidently in marketing (social media, networking, etc.)

» Raising rates and attracting aligned clients with ease

» Stronger boundaries in business and life

» Inner permission to do what feels like a "hell yes," rather than what feels practical but boring

» Increased productivity, focus, and creativity

» Finally creating and launching the programs they've had in their heads for months

» True belief in what they offer (vs. feeling like they always need another certification)

» Deeper empathy and stronger intuition in practice

» Releasing patterns of burnout and overgiving so that business feels exciting and balanced

testimonials from Mission Unblocked clients ➡️ scroll through images to read ➡️


I came to Holly with a fairly simple ask. I wanted to fix my inability to speak up. This is something that’s plagued my entire life. I have never been able to speak up for myself confidently. If you’re wondering how that inhibited my life, I can assure you that it made nearly every situation challenging. I am overlooked at work. I let other people talk on my behalf. I avoid people. I never talk about myself or my accomplishments. I never pursue my passions. I let others shine in my presence, while I try to make myself as small as possible. I just simply go about my day, trying to be invisible to the world.

In fact, that’s how I’ve lived my entire life, completely invisible. I shrink in group settings. I shrink at work. I shrink in public. I operate in a world as a complete ghost of a person. During my deepest battles with depression, I used to think, I may as well not even be here. It doesn’t matter. I don’t matter. No one sees me. That’s when I came to Holly. I wanted to finally be seen in this world by others, to feel like I was alive and important. I wanted to feel as if I existed in real life. I wanted to feel human.

During our first session, I had an immediate “aha” moment. A simple memory that I’ve held on to my entire life held the key to why I’ve felt the need to stay mute or invisible to the world. This memory has always popped up throughout my life, but I never knew its significance until our RTT session.

The memory was me as a three year old being carried through a department store by my Mom. A sales woman approached us and asked my name and how old I was. Before I could even speak, my Mom told the woman that I was incredibly shy and did not like to talk to people. She then proceeded to talk on my behalf and I could tell that she loved the attention she got from the sales woman. She loved being my voice. I also loved that she felt important, so I decided from that day forward that I would always let my Mom be the one who was the center of attention. It was an unspoken contract I was committed to. My willingness to go forward as an invisible person wasn’t necessarily about getting love from her, it was about how wanted to show her how much loved her. I was willing to sacrifice my childhood cuteness, my eagerness to be a famous actress or a writer, voice my very vocal opinions, or my want to be front and center, all because I wanted her to feel important and loved in a world that had otherwise been cruel to her.

This discovery has changed my life. Prior to this, I always felt small. I had always shrunk myself to a point where I wanted to be as tiny as possible. I would walk around in the world and repeat to myself, “please don’t look at me.” I didn’t want to be seen. I didn’t want to exist. When near people I loved, I always pushed them to the center. I watched as they would talk about their accomplishments and their passions, while I would step back in the background, both figuratively and literally.

After the session with Holly, I immediately felt large. I felt visible. The prior neural connections that used to fire off panicked thoughts of maintaining my invisibility, now couldn’t produce the same feelings. I don’t shrink anymore. When I’m out in public, my constant need to hide from people has disappeared. I don’t have to sit in the car for 15 minutes to give myself a pep talk before I step into the world. I also don’t need to walk around in a constant state of resentment, because I’m constantly trying to mute myself around others (when really I’m a very opinionated and passionate person).

My creative abilities have come back. I’m finding myself writing more. I’m also super productive. I have more willingness to accomplish goals because I no longer have restrictive thoughts about being invisible. Being invisible makes building a business or being creative impossible, because visibility is everything.

The most challenging thing about this process has been that without the invisibility shackles, I feel as if I can do ANYTHING! It’s been hard to know what to tackle first. I have insane creative energy.

My RTT session with Holly was nothing short of a miracle in shifting over to who I want to be. Had I tried to resolve this issue myself, I would have spent years trying to get to the root cause without really knowing what it actually was. I could have done all the self-help work in the world and only putting a small bandaid over the problem without realizing that underneath was a festering issue that I couldn’t get to.

I’m excited to do another RTT session with Holly. I’m looking forward to discovering other things that might be holding myself back, not to necessarily become a perfect human, but to step into the person I was meant to be.

Lindy C.


Frequently Asked Questions

Can you help me understand if I would be a good fit for this program?

This program will likely be a GOOD FIT if…

You’ve experienced some momentum in business, but you keep hitting roadblocks and limiting beliefs. You’re probably no stranger to personal development, and you’re not afraid of deep inner work, or shedding a few healing tears. You *know* that something inside of you is holding you back, and you’re ready to let it go.

You’re willing to take full responsibility for your experience, and show up in our work together as a client you would like to have. (This means you respect my time, you respect your time, you’re responsive, you commit to doing your part, and you are READY for change.)

You take your business and work seriously. Whether you want to pursue your calling full-time or part-time, there is no question that this is *your path* — you just need some help embracing it. Your work isn’t a cute hobby. Your work isn’t something you will say “oh well” to if it doesn’t work out. You are committed AF and you are so excited (and maybe a little terrified) about this dream you are creating. 

You vibe with my dorky sense of humor and you don’t mind that I drop F-bombs. You’re inclined toward magic and believe in miracles. You aren’t looking for a lot of technical content (how to create a website, how to post to social, etc.), and you’re interested in this experience for the mindset and healing work so you can show up as the badass you are. You understand that hypnotherapy is incredibly powerful, and you’re ready to experience an unlocking of your personal magic, which is already there.

This program is probably NOT A GOOD FIT RIGHT NOW if…

You are brand new to business and you’re hoping I can teach you how to create a website, choose a scheduler, book clients, and take payments. (I’m happy to touch on that briefly, but that is *not* what this program is about, and I don’t want anyone to be confused. Business strategy *is* covered in the program, but if you’re looking for nitty-gritty, nuts-and-bolts tech support, you would be better served by another program.)

Deep inner work makes you uncomfortable, and you don’t want to talk about your doubts, your fears, your hangups, and your biggest dreams — you just want someone to show you a system for how to get clients and market yourself. (That’s cool too, I’m just not the right coach for you.)

You’re intrigued by hypnotherapy, and you’re really curious about trying it, but a three-month deep-dive sounds like too much for you right now. (Totally get it. Maybe in the future!)

You have expectations that I will “fix” you, and that hypnotherapy is going to make your metamorphosis effortless. (While hypnotherapy is super powerful, it’s important that you show up with an energy of commitment and determination. This is not a passive process.)

Metaphysical stuff and “energy” talk makes you roll your eyes. You have a mostly hard-science view of the world. (Again, also fine, but I will probably drive you nuts. I believe that business is energy and I’m going to be talking a lot about that. I’ll spare you the vomit bag by warning you upfront.) 😉  

I am not a holistic practitioner or coach. Can I still join?

If you are a service-based entrepreneur, you are welcome to apply! While I do work with many holistic practitioners and coaches, I had a photographer and a professional dog walker in my last round of Mission Unblocked, and they both had tremendous breakthroughs! Please reach out to me if you have any questions about it being the right fit. If you are not an entrepreneur and you are not working on a business, this is not the right program for you. If that’s the case, you can consider working with me privately in an RTT intensive program.

When does the program start, and what's involved? Is it a group program or 1-1?

Mission Unblocked is a hybrid program that incorporates both 1-1 and group work. You can find the complete details below: 

Private, 1-1 Work

  • 2 x 1-hour coaching calls to create your vision and define a path forward
  • 2 x 2-hour RTT hypnotherapy sessions to understand and release the emotional root cause of your blocks
  • 2 x 15-minute custom hypnosis audios to rewire your subconscious for success, confidence, and abundance
  • 1 x 30-minute follow-up coaching and celebration call

Group Experience

  • 12 x 90-minute group coaching calls (these are a mix of learning, Q+A, and coaching) — replays available
  • Private Facebook group to receive support, feedback, and encouragement between calls

Dates + Call Times

Mission Unblocked takes place January 12 – March 30, 2022. Our 12 weekly group calls are on Wednesdays from 12-1:30pm EST. Private sessions with Holly are scheduled on Thursdays and Fridays.

Core Topics Covered

Confidence: the world needs your work — stop waiting for an imaginary authority figure to give you permission

Marketing: how to *actually enjoy* social media marketing without falling into soul-sucking comparisionitis

Aligned offer creation: package your services in a way that makes sense for you and your client’s journey

Money mindset + pricing: overcome your money fears and structure your offers to make a full-time living (without burnout)

Business boundaries: if you find yourself in patterns of overgiving, always being available, or saying “yes” to every client request, boundaries are the magic elixir

Taking the suck out of selling: how to sell in a way that feels awesome for you AND your potential clients

What's the investment for this program?

$2500 paid in full, or 2 payments of $1300

This program is designed for holistic practitioners, creatives, and service-based entrepreneurs. If you are working with clients in longer-term containers (e.g., 3 or 6 months), you will likely experience a return on investment with this program by signing 1 or 2 clients. And of course, that return on investment will be exponential when you are showing up confidently and in your power, as the result of the work you’ll be doing. (And don’t forget that business mentorship is often a write-off, but ask your tax professional, of course!) 😉

I'm never experienced hypnosis. What's it like?

We have so many misconceptions about hypnosis, especially in the United States. Essentially, hypnosis is a form of relaxation. It helps you let go of your anxious “monkey mind,” so you can tap into the deeper truths within you. Most people say it feels like a guided meditation; I like to call it “meditation with a goal.”

Physically, you might feel a pleasant sense of heaviness or lightness in your body… like you are cozied up with a weighted blanket, or floating blissfully on an inflatable raft in a pool.

I can’t make you do anything that you don’t want to do (that’s a myth!), and you are in complete control the entire time. Your eyes will be closed, but we will be talking back and forth for the duration of the session.

Entering this state of relaxation allows you to make changes to your thought patterns, beliefs, and behaviors much more quickly than with conscious effort alone. We achieve this both in session, and through your personalized self-hypnosis recording, which you get to keep forever.

How does it work? Can it be done online?

All of my sessions are held virtually over Zoom video conference. You’ll need a strong internet connection, and you’ll need to download Zoom (it’s like Skype). Most people connect over their laptop or phone. For our hypnosis session, you’ll also need to be in a comfortable place where you won’t be disturbed. Propped up in bed or semi-reclined on a couch is ideal.

How has RTT helped you personally?

I personally have had major breakthroughs with RTT, which is what inspired me to pursue it professionally. Most notably, RTT has helped me with confidence, self-worth, boundaries, and being my true self. (I wouldn’t have started a podcast without the breakthrough I achieved with RTT!) I have also used it to overcome physical health issues that weren’t responding to diet or lifestyle changes. It is an incredible modality and I absolutely love facilitating sessions.


I have tried a lot of other avenues to try to change my thoughts and behaviors for the better. I have tried clinical hypnotherapy, meditation, counseling, emotional release, and tapping. I can say without a doubt that I noticed the largest and fastest change in my thought patterns and actions through RTT.

Holly is amazing at guiding you through the process, helping you find what to work on, and following up on anything else you need. She is very professional, and makes you feel completely comfortable and confident. I would highly recommend you make an investment in your life by trying RTT with Holly Higgins. For me I could not afford to not do RTT, which as a result is changing my mind and therefore my life!

Laura B.


Apply for the January 2022 Group

The next round of Mission Unblocked begins January 12, 2022. If this experience is calling you, apply for your spot today! The group is capped at 10 participants and will fill quickly.