FREE Ebook + Audio Bundle: 7 Ways Your Subconscious is Sabotaging Your Health + Happiness
Why is it so hard to make progress with your goals? Usually, your conscious mind is on board, but your subconscious has a bunch of reasons why your dreams are a terrible idea. In this free ebook and audio bundle, discover how to bust past the top 7 subconscious roadblocks.

Hey, I’m Holly! Welcome to Mindspeak.
After years as a practicing nutritionist and health coach…
I started wondering why we don’t do the things we say we want to do.
I mean, it’s not for a lack of “wanting it enough.”
And it’s usually not because we don’t know what to do. Most of us know what to do, or we can get some guidance and figure it out pretty quick.
We want something. We know what to do. We don’t do it. (I’ve been there!)
What’s the deal with self-sabotage?
I needed to know. So I pulled an Alice in Wonderland and went deep down the rabbit hole. I studied the mind, habits, human behavior, personal development, quantum physics, mind-body medicine…
And I learned some really crazy things. Things that go way beyond gluten sensitivity.
My podcast, Mindspeak, is where I’ll share those things with you. We’re talking emotional and physical health, the mind-body connection, radical healing, and so much more.
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check out the latest episodes + show notes
053: Matrescence: Motherhood as an Initiation with Amy Borskey Duffer
In my early postpartum days, I remember Googling things like "motherhood identity crisis" because I felt so lost. I thought I was prepared for motherhood, but I was not. Turns out, I should have been Googling the term "matrescence," but I'd never heard of it. Today,...
052: My Spirit Baby Story
In this deeply personal episode, I share the magical preconception story of my son Henry, who started visiting me in dreams 7 years before he was born. What's Covered in Episode 52: The moment I knew I’d be a mother, even though I never planned on it How my son...
051: I Haven’t Felt “Normal” Since 2019
Welcome back to the show! After a 3-year break, I'm back at the mic to address the elephant in the atmosphere: we've all been through a crazy amount of upheaval in the last few years, but we're not really talking about it. What's Covered in Episode 51: What's been...
get in touch
If you’d like to pitch yourself or someone you represent as a guest, get in touch at holly [at] hollyfisherhiggins.com. Please note that I only review carefully crafted pitches that have a clear understanding of the show and its content. Generic pitches will be deleted.