
My dear client Sharon came to me with debilitating fears around illness, death, and accidents. In just a few months, we worked together to drastically reduce her fears so she could embark on the trip of a lifetime.

Here is her inspiring story, in her own words:

“I am a health coach trained in Functional Medicine & Mind-Body Medicine, and despite all of the personal healing and professional training I spent years working through, the pandemic came along and set me back in a big way. My health anxiety and fears around safety were raging once again, and my life shrank instantly.

Years passed and I struggled to expand and get back out there. My heart was set on taking a trip to my ancestral homeland of Italy, and I figured after four years of living small, it was time. I took a leap and booked the trip… then the doubt and fear started creeping in. HOW was I going to pull this off?! I knew I needed more than the tools I had relied on before.

I had been following Holly on Instagram and was really drawn to her work. I decided to keep her in my back pocket in case I needed to take my healing to the next level. Then, soon after I booked my trip, she posted something that was in complete alignment with what I felt I needed.

I could not have been more right! First of all, Holly has the most calming presence and is the most compassionate being. That alone is healing! But her masterful way of deep listening and taking your past and your present and weaving them into what I call a “dress rehearsal” for your future vision truly is amazing. Absolutely everything about it is intentional… her word choice, the order in which she walks you through it… and the results are nothing short of miraculous.

I was convinced I would die on the plane to Italy. THAT is how afraid I was and how jacked up my nervous system was! I thought at the very least I would be extremely elevated and stressed out the entire trip, but it was like my mind and body knew exactly what to do, because I had repeatedly listened to my hypnosis audios and practiced how to do it WELL with Holly. Not only was I calm on the plane, but I was also able to do and eat things I hadn’t been able to for literally over a decade. I am still in awe and wondering, “Did that actually happen?!”

Every day as I remember and reflect on this trip — one of the most important experiences of my life — I send gratitude out to Holly, because she is a huge part of why it was able to happen… especially so smoothly.

If there is something that is holding you back, or getting between you and your joy, don’t waste any more time… reach out to Holly! I know it is easy to get into the overwhelming habit of spending more time and money on the next thing to ‘fix’ yourself, but this is different. This can really change your life… and probably more easily than anything else you have tried!”

Below are Sharon’s scores pre- and post-hypnotherapy, showcasing the change she experienced after a few months of working together:

If you’re struggling with fears or phobias around health, safety, illness, accidents, or death, hypnotherapy can help tremendously.

You can learn more about my approach and we can work together at this link.

Healing is always possible!
