Today, I’m speaking freely about my deep concerns with censorship and cancel culture, particularly in the arena of alternative wellness. If you value natural and alternative health information — and want to continue to have access to this information — this episode is an important listen.
What’s Covered in Episode 38
- Why I haven’t spoken up about this until now
- What’s going on with censorship in the natural and alternative health arenas
- The truth about censorship (it started way before the current global crisis)
- The moment “I saw the writing on the wall” and knew this had massive consequences
- Important questions about where we draw the line when it comes to free speech vs. safety
- My thoughts on the rampant phenomenon of cancel culture, and how it relates to censorship
- How we inadvertently censor ourselves and perpetuate the issues
- How our current global climate is activating generational trauma
- Important lessons from history and literature that we must take into account
- Practical action steps you can take if you are concerned about these issues
Relevant Links and Credits
- Join my email list by downloading my “Clear the Crap” meditation
- Reuters article: Facebook to no longer show natural health groups
- Duck Duck Go: A search engine that protects privacy and fair information access
- Social platforms I intend to migrate to: MeWe and Telegram
- Stand for Health Freedom: learn how you can take a stand for natural health
- Follow Holly on Instagram @hollyfisherhiggins
I love you Holly, no matter what you say!
Thank you, Barbara!
Thank you for speaking up about this.