by Holly Higgins | Apr 26, 2017 | Anxiety, Depression, Media Appearances, Mental Health, Paleo
This post originally appeared on Pills to Paleo, my former website. Trudy Scott, a well-known nutritionist specializing in anxiety and amino acid therapies, recently did a roundup of healing stories — including mine. This is a powerful testament to the healing power...
by Holly Higgins | Feb 18, 2017 | Anxiety, Depression, Energy Medicine, Mental Health
This post originally appeared on Pills to Paleo, my former website. If you know my story, you know that I successfully healed severe depression and anxiety by changing my diet. This is absolutely true — adopting a paleo diet completely transformed and stabilized my...
by Holly Higgins | Oct 5, 2016 | Antidepressant Withdrawal, Anxiety, Depression, Media Appearances, Mental Health, Nutrition for Mental Health, Psychiatry
This post originally appeared on Pills to Paleo, my former website. Reading other peoples’ health recovery stories was one of the most important things I did during my own healing journey. In my darkest days, I turned to blogs for hope, reassurance, and a sense...
by Holly Higgins | Aug 28, 2016 | Antidepressant Withdrawal, Anxiety, Depression, Mental Health, Mindset, Nutritional Therapy Association, Paleo, Psychiatry, Whole30
This post originally appeared on Pills to Paleo, my former website. Yesterday, I gave a talk at the University of Michigan regarding nutrition for mental health. I had a fantastic time, and it’s really gotten me excited to go out and give more talks. We were...
by Holly Higgins | Jul 14, 2016 | Anxiety, Depression, Family and Friends, Mental Health, Mindset, Paleo, Psychiatry, Whole30
This post originally appeared on Pills to Paleo, my former website. My blog has been sitting here collecting dust because I don’t know who I am anymore. Let me explain. Just over two years ago, when I decided to try Whole30 to lose the weight I gained on...
by Holly Higgins | Aug 12, 2015 | Antidepressant Withdrawal, Anxiety, Depression, Mental Health, Psychiatry
This post originally appeared on Pills to Paleo, my former website. I was listening to the Born Primal podcast today, and the host mentioned her concern about “medication shaming” in paleo and natural health circles. Essentially, medication shaming is the when someone...