From Frozen to Free: How MJ Released Her Fear of Creative Expression
MJ is a wonderfully talented songwriter who came to me with blocks around her creative expression. Even though she’d been writing songs for years — and felt comfortable sharing them in small circles — she wanted to start recording her songs and sharing them with a...
RTT for Imposter Syndrome: Anne’s Story
Have you ever struggled with fears that you'll be called out, “found out,” or misunderstood? Do you get trapped in cycles of seeking more and more knowledge, instead of taking action with the knowledge you already have? That was the case with my client Anne, who came...
Losing Weight After Antidepressants: How Liz Reclaimed Her Life
This post comes from my client Liz, who has overcome so much! Read on to learn about her struggles with antidepressants, weight loss, and challenging life circumstances. Liz proves that determination, time, hard work, and self-love can create radical transformation. I...
How Long It Really Takes to Heal
At the beginning of my health journey, I looked for inspiration in pictures like these. I found a relatable girl, Stephanie, who lost 60 pounds in 8 months with Whole30. I said to myself, “I’m going to do what she did.” 8 months came and went, and I worked really hard...
Advice and Resources for Aspiring Nutritionists and Coaches
Hi there! I'm so glad you're interested in pursuing similar work! The world needs holistic, whole-person care. Because I run a busy private practice, I have to prioritize my clients, and I cannot respond to requests for free career or clinical advice. Thank you for...
Paleo Birth Control and Fertility: Natural Options to Avoid and Achieve Pregnancy
Looking for paleo birth control options? You can avoid pregnancy (or get pregnant) without the use or hormones or invasive devices. It just requires a little education and getting to know your body. If you’re struggling with mental health issues, your birth...
The Sneaky Reason You Always Self-Sabotage, Even Though You’re Smart
I’ve got a tough-love post for you today, heavy on the love. And for what it’s worth, the only reason I feel entitled to write this is because I’ve been 100% guilty of this phenomenon myself, in MANY different areas of my life. Here goes: Self-sabotage is a bitch. No...
The Best Diet for Depression and Anxiety
What’s the best diet for depression and anxiety? While I truly believe we all have unique nutritional needs — a concept called bioindividuality — I also believe there is an ideal dietary template to start with if you’re suffering from mood issues. I always recommend...
What to Do When Your Doctor Dismisses Antidepressant Side Effects
If you know my story, you know that one of the main antidepressant side effects I experienced was rapid, unexplained weight gain. 60 pounds over the course of a year and a half. Between the weight gain, emotional numbness, brain fog, loss of libido, and loss of...
Client Success Story: Ashley Ditched Headaches, Hangriness, and Heartburn
I love sharing my clients’ success stories. Let me introduce you to Ashley N., a 30-year-old woman from Meridian, Mississippi. In just three months, Ashley was able to make some incredible strides in her health. Before we get to her success, let’s look at where she...
Kelly Brogan, MD Guest Post: 3 Beliefs I Ditched When I Quit Antidepressants
I was honored to write a guest post for Kelly Brogan MD, a holistic psychiatrist specializing in nutritional approaches to mental health. Dr. Brogan is one of my heroes and role models, and she has been so supportive of my work and my transformation. To view the post,...
Nutritional Therapy Association Review: My Totally Honest Opinion of the NTP Program
Why I Chose the NTP Program In the fall of 2014, I got a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach: I wasn’t doing what I wanted to do, and I knew major burnout was just around the corner. My intuition told me that I needed to make a big shift, career-wise, and that...
Nutrition for Mental Health: Watch My Talk
This post originally appeared on Pills to Paleo, my former website. Yesterday, I gave a talk at the University of Michigan regarding nutrition for mental health. I had a fantastic time, and it's really gotten me excited to go out and give more talks. We were able to...
Catch Me with Jimmy Moore on Low-Carb Conversations
This post originally appeared on Pills to Paleo, my former website. Hey, friends! I was recently asked to be on "Low-Carb Conversations," the podcast with Jimmy Moore and Dietitian Cassie. It was a blast! Jimmy is someone I really look up to and respect, so it was an...
Paleo and Whole30 Simple Sardine Salad Recipe
This post originally appeared on Pills to Paleo, my former website. I used to HATE sardines. In fact, I banned them from the house a few years ago, even though my husband loves them. I've since happily welcomed them back, and I'm now trying to eat them as frequently...
You Are Not Your Diagnosis
This post originally appeared on Pills to Paleo, my former website. In July 2012, I walked out of a psychiatrist’s office with a laundry list of diagnoses: bipolar type II disorder, social anxiety, agoraphobia, and avoidant personality disorder. I was simultaneously...
How Sharon Resolved Debilitating Health and Safety Anxiety
My dear client Sharon came to me with debilitating fears around illness, death, and accidents. In just a few months, we worked together to drastically reduce her fears so she could embark on the trip of a lifetime. Here is her inspiring story, in her own words: “I am...
Podcast Appearance: Mental Health and Shame on The Things We Couldn’t Say
You know how you can just totally be yourself around certain people? That's the case with my friend Nicole, host of The Things We Couldn't Say podcast. She's on a mission to help women slay shame, and she had me on the show this week to talk about the shame of a...
The #2 Health Coach You Should Follow (It’s Me!)
I was totally surprised this week when I got an email letting me know that Mark Sisson's Primal Health Coach Institute named me ... ... the #2 influential health coach you should be following. (Click the link above to see what they had to say!) After I fell out of my...
Client Success Story: Kristie’s Off Antidepressants, Down 35 Pounds, and Reclaiming Healthy
Today, I want to introduce you to my client Kristie, who has had a radical transformation since we began working together in January of 2018. She enrolled in my Mental Health Nutrition Program, and with dietary changes, targeted supplementation, and mindset coaching,...
6 Lessons Learned from My Most Successful Clients
Here's a question I get all the time: "How do I know that your program will work for me? How can I know if I'll get results?" And here is my answer, in all of its blunt glory: I have no idea whether or not you'll be a success in my program. That's like going to the...
Why I Quit Drinking (Even Though I’m Not an Alcoholic)
Lately, clients and friends have been coming to me because they're concerned about drinking and how it's affecting their lives. Most of them don't identify as alcoholics, but they recognize that alcohol is having a negative impact, and they don't know what to do....
Client Success Story: Marissa’s Unexpected Weight Loss
Today, I'm giving the spotlight to my client, Marissa G. Marissa has experienced some really beautiful breakthroughs during our work together, and because she's so articulate, I asked her if she wanted to share a guest post. I'm so happy she did, because what she...
What if Nutrition Doesn’t Help Your Depression or Anxiety?
There's something I hear from so many readers, clients, and people who are considering working with me: "I'm really scared to make changes to my diet. What if I cut out gluten, dairy, and sugar, and my mood doesn't improve? Then I'll be even more anxious and depressed...
3 Tips to Beat Seasonal Affective Disorder Naturally
If you've ever dealt with seasonal affective disorder — also known as SAD, seasonal depression, or the "winter blues" — the time to start preparing is now. I know. It's barely October. Here in Michigan, the leaves have just started to turn. You're probably busy...
Podcast Appearance: Mad In America, Antidepressant Withdrawal
My favorite (and most candid!) podcast interview to date has been with James Moore of The Mad in America Podcast (formerly the Let's Talk Withdrawal Podcast). James and I went deep into my story, including my experiences with psych drugs and antidepressant withdrawal....
Podcast Appearance: The Paleo Diet for Anxiety
I was thrilled to be interviewed by Allison Micco of the Don't Freak Out Podcast. We talked all about the underlying causes of anxiety and why a paleo diet can help. Here are just a few of the things we covered: What the paleo diet is, and how the paleo diet can help...
Getting Honest About How I Really Healed Depression and Anxiety
This post originally appeared on Pills to Paleo, my former website. If you know my story, you know that I successfully healed severe depression and anxiety by changing my diet. This is absolutely true — adopting a paleo diet completely transformed and stabilized my...
How My Health Crisis Became an Identity Crisis
This post originally appeared on Pills to Paleo, my former website. My blog has been sitting here collecting dust because I don’t know who I am anymore. Let me explain. Just over two years ago, when I decided to try Whole30 to lose the weight I gained on...
There is No Shame: My Stance on Mental Health Meds
This post originally appeared on Pills to Paleo, my former website. I was listening to the Born Primal podcast today, and the host mentioned her concern about “medication shaming” in paleo and natural health circles. Essentially, medication shaming is the when someone...
Can Sugar Cause Anxiety? Here’s My Experience.
This post originally appeared on Pills to Paleo, my former website. Since June of this year, I've completed two successful Whole30s, and I'm about to embark on another starting January 1st. Because I'm still trying to lose weight, and because I love how I feel when...
Mission Unblocked: How Nicole Transformed her Business with Subconscious Shifts
Nicole is an amazing branding photographer and one of my clients in Mission Unblocked. She’s been in biz for a while, but she came to me because she was tired of undercharging, she felt herself teetering on the edge of burnout, and she wanted the confidence to set...
Client Success Story: Claire Said Goodbye to Anxiety, Acne, and Antibodies
Today’s post is all about my client, Claire! If you follow me on Instagram, you’ve probably seen highlights of Claire’s journey, but I wanted to recap her progress here. What Claire has been able to accomplish in the last year is absolutely incredible. I’ll let her...
Podcast: Nutrition for Mental Health with Ali’s Whole Life
I recently sat down with my colleague Ali Sweatman — host of the "Oh, So Extra!" podcast — to talk all about nutrition and mental health. Check out the recording of the episode here: Nutrition for Mental Health with Holly Higgins, NTP Skim through Ali's show notes...
The Top 5 Reasons Whole30 Improves Depression and Anxiety
Many people — myself included! — report that Whole30 significantly improves anxiety and depression symptoms. In fact, it's the dietary template that I use with the majority of clients in my mental health nutrition practice. But why does it work? What's the science...
I Almost Didn’t Do This: My Struggles with Fear, Doubt, and Vulnerability
Yesterday, I had a moment with a client that nearly brought me to tears. She told me that finding my story was priceless, because it helped her believe that she too could get through her antidepressant taper and lead a badass life. I receive similar messages from...
Are You Shallow If You Want to Lose Weight?
I've noticed a pattern lately that's making me pretty sad. A lot of women are ashamed to tell me they want to lose weight. It goes like this: During an assessment call or initial consult, I ask my clients what their top five health goals are. Typically, they look...
Why You Can’t Make Changes Stick
"Why do I get excited about change for two weeks, and then throw in the towel?" "Why can't I be consistent?" "Why are others so successful with change, but I always struggle?" If you've asked yourself these questions, you're not alone. And there's more good news:...
How to Stop Worrying About What Other People Think
I don't know about you, but I've always struggled with worrying about what other people think. In fact, that worry — and that fear of being myself — is what triggered a lot of my health issues. It also kept me from fully sharing my beliefs and gifts with the world. I...
I’m Saying Goodbye to Pills to Paleo, and Here’s Why
A few years ago, I furiously started a little blog called Pills to Paleo. I say furiously because that's what I was — furious. After years in therapy and years on meds, I accidentally discovered that nutrition was at the root of my mental health symptoms. I was happy...
Is This Weird Psychological Phenomenon Ruining Your Whole30?
You showed up to math class naked. Everyone gossiped about you for weeks. That tiny zit on your forehead is really the size of a golf ball, and everyone’s staring at it. You stuttered during your presentation, and everyone remembers it. Whether in dreams (you didn’t...
Guest Feature: Trudy Scott, Paleo and Grain-Free for Anxiety and Depression
This post originally appeared on Pills to Paleo, my former website. Trudy Scott, a well-known nutritionist specializing in anxiety and amino acid therapies, recently did a roundup of healing stories — including mine. This is a powerful testament to the healing power...
Guest Post on Empowered Sustenance
This post originally appeared on Pills to Paleo, my former website. Reading other peoples' health recovery stories was one of the most important things I did during my own healing journey. In my darkest days, I turned to blogs for hope, reassurance, and a sense of...
If Your Depression Stems from Trauma, Can Nutrition Really Help?
This post originally appeared on Pills to Paleo, my former website. I’ve talked to a lot of people with anxiety and depression, and nearly all of them have experienced some type of trauma: they grew up in abusive or neglectful families, they endured a major loss, they...
Natural Solutions for Depression: The Mental Wellness Summit
This post originally appeared on Pills to Paleo, my former website. Two years ago, I would have peed my pants if something like this existed. The Mental Wellness Summit features more than 30 speakers on different topics regarding holistic mental health. Many of them...
Whole30 and Paleo: 5 Tips for Getting Friends and Family on Board
This post originally appeared on Pills to Paleo, my former website. For me, one of the hardest things about going paleo was becoming fully aware of how awesome it made me feel. I know what you’re thinking: Wait, how is that hard?! It was hard because I wanted to...