052: My Spirit Baby Story

052: My Spirit Baby Story

In this deeply personal episode, I share the magical preconception story of my son Henry, who started visiting me in dreams 7 years before he was born. What's Covered in Episode 52: The moment I knew I’d be a mother, even though I never planned on it How my son...

051: I Haven’t Felt “Normal” Since 2019

051: I Haven’t Felt “Normal” Since 2019

Welcome back to the show! After a 3-year break, I'm back at the mic to address the elephant in the atmosphere: we've all been through a crazy amount of upheaval in the last few years, but we're not really talking about it. What's Covered in Episode 51: What's been...

050: Insomnia and Sleep Issues – Subconscious Root Causes

050: Insomnia and Sleep Issues – Subconscious Root Causes

Have insomnia or sleep issues? This episode will blow your mind — and it might change your life. Holly unpacks the subconscious root causes of insomnia, and explains why hypnotherapy can be an effective approach for people who have tried everything else. What's...

049: That Thing You’ve Been Avoiding

049: That Thing You’ve Been Avoiding

Are there annoying things in your life that you just don't wanna deal with? Me too. In this episode, I share personal stories about how these energy drains pile up to create a massive mountain of misery. Tune in to get the inspiration you need to tackle one sucky...

047: Why Do I Feel So Bad?

047: Why Do I Feel So Bad?

Many people feel like their pain isn't justifiable. They're ashamed of their struggles, because they feel like they had "a pretty decent childhood." This creates the question, "If nothing terrible happened to me, why do I feel so bad?" In this myth-busting episode,...

042: Habit Changes Always Fail Without This

042: Habit Changes Always Fail Without This

Happy New Year! It's a ripe time for change and goal setting, so I wanted to discuss one of the biggest goal-setting pitfalls out there: changing at the level of ACTION, without changing at the level of identity. What's Covered in Episode 42 Why it's impossible to...

039: Navigating the Weirdness of Winter 2020

039: Navigating the Weirdness of Winter 2020

I'm back at the mic after a break! Truth be told, I've been in a funk. I've appreciated other people being honest about this lately, so I'm being honest about it, too — in hopes that you might feel less alone. What's Covered in Episode 39 The response to my last...

038: Censorship and Cancel Culture — I’m Speaking Out

038: Censorship and Cancel Culture — I’m Speaking Out

Today, I'm speaking freely about my deep concerns with censorship and cancel culture, particularly in the arena of alternative wellness. If you value natural and alternative health information — and want to continue to have access to this information — this episode is...

037: Compartmentalizing Worry

037: Compartmentalizing Worry

In today's episode, I talk about two "mind tricks" I use frequently to help alleviate worry. I'm also sharing my habit challenge for November, and ways you can stay grounded and centered during these uncertain times. What's Covered in Episode 37 My personal November...

036: The Benefit of the Backslide

036: The Benefit of the Backslide

If you've fallen off track, it might be a good thing. In this episode, I share why backslides are so important to our evolution and growth, and how you can reframe your thinking around what it means to "screw up." What's Covered in Episode 36 Important updates about...

035: Free Clearing Meditation and User’s Guide

035: Free Clearing Meditation and User’s Guide

To help you through these uber-wonky times, I created Clear the Crap: A Hypnotic Meditation to Release BS and Baggage. It's a totally free, 20-minute practice that I like to describe as a car wash for the soul. What's Covered in Episode 35 Why I created this...

033: When Affirmations Aren’t Working

033: When Affirmations Aren’t Working

Have you tried affirmations, only to experience lackluster results? Consider this episode your affirmation troubleshooting guide. What's Covered in Episode 33 Why so many of us struggle with affirmations or give up on them altogether The crucial thing that most people...

032: Money as Part of the Healing Journey (Plus, Win RTT with Me!)

032: Money as Part of the Healing Journey (Plus, Win RTT with Me!)

In this episode, I'm doing a deep dive on money mindset. I'll discuss why money is often an important part of the healing journey, and why it's important to do both tactical and mindset work around money. You'll also learn how you can win a month of RTT with me!...

031: Change Your Perspective on “Self-Sabotage” Forever

031: Change Your Perspective on “Self-Sabotage” Forever

I'm back! If you struggle with "self-sabotage," I want to give you a different perspective on what's happening. Your mind will be blown and you'll never see yourself the same way again. What's Covered in Episode 31 What I've been up to (moving, farm updates, and tiny...

029: Credentials Don’t Create Confidence (But These 3 Things Do)

029: Credentials Don’t Create Confidence (But These 3 Things Do)

If you're trapped in a cycle of thinking you don't know enough, or struggling with imposter syndrome, this episode is for you. What's Covered in Episode 29 Why we believe the myth that we'll feel confident as soon as we complete the next course, certification, or...

025: 3 Ways I’m Keeping Calm Amidst the COVID Chaos

025: 3 Ways I’m Keeping Calm Amidst the COVID Chaos

If you're struggling with anxiety, panic, and uncertainty during these times, you're not alone. In this episode, Holly shares the three practices that have been the most helpful to her over the last several days, in hopes that they will help you, too. What's Covered...

024: When You’re Healing and They’re Hating

024: When You’re Healing and They’re Hating

Haters! Unfortunately, they're a part of the healing journey. Just when you're feeling good about yourself and what you're doing, someone will come along and crap on your parade, or make you feel bad about your healthy choices. Don't let the naysaying get you off...

022: The Truth About Lucky People

022: The Truth About Lucky People

Ever look at someone and think they're lucky, they got life handed to them, and everything must be super easy for them? In this episode, Holly shares why that's usually not the case, and the (truly nauseating) secret to success. What's Covered in Episode 22 The #1...

021: The #1 Thought That Keeps You Stuck

021: The #1 Thought That Keeps You Stuck

In this episode, Holly talks about the #1 thought that keeps people stuck. (Hint: you've probably had this thought before, and you might be having this thought multiple times per day.) What's Covered in Episode 21 The thought that's responsible for most self-sabotage...

020: Mind to Matter with Dawson Church, PhD

020: Mind to Matter with Dawson Church, PhD

Holly interviews Dawson Church, PhD, author of Mind to Matter and many other classics in the field of energy psychology. Dawson takes a scientific, researched-based approach to topics like manifestation and the law of attraction, making these principles accessible to...

018: Get Your Time Back with Cameo Pierce (Get Your Ish Together)

018: Get Your Time Back with Cameo Pierce (Get Your Ish Together)

Holly interviews Cameo Pierce, NTP about how to manage your time when life is pulling you in dozens of directions. As a full-time working professional and wellness enthusiast, Cameo has learned how to build balance into her life, and she loves to help other women do...

014: Nutrition (Get Your Ish Together)

014: Nutrition (Get Your Ish Together)

Holly introduces the "Get Your Ish Together" miniseries. Throughout the month of January, we'll hear from special guests who talk about how to get your ish together in all areas of life. In this episode, Holly shares how getting her ish together with nutrition was a...

013: Probiotics for Mood and Gut Health with Sylvia Hall

013: Probiotics for Mood and Gut Health with Sylvia Hall

Holly interviews Sylvia Hall, the co-founder of Lifted Naturals — a company that makes probiotics formulated specifically for mood. They discuss the mood-microbiome connection, antidepressant tapering, and more. What's Covered in Episode 13 Sylvia's personal journey...

012: RTT Hypnotherapy – Lauren Geertsen Shares Her Experience

012: RTT Hypnotherapy – Lauren Geertsen Shares Her Experience

Holly is chatting with Lauren Geertsen, an author and body connection coach. Lauren recently had an RTT hypnotherapy session with Holly, and she so graciously shares about her experience! What's Covered in Episode 12 What is RTT? (Rapid Transformational Therapy /...

010: Anxiety: A Curse or a Superpower?

010: Anxiety: A Curse or a Superpower?

In this episode, Holly makes the case for anxiety and "high sensitivity" being superpowers. But fortunately, she does it in a non-barfy way that won't make you roll your eyes. What's Covered in Episode 10 Anxiety and sensitivity as a compass or alarm system What...

007: Navigating Nutritional Noise with Whitney Shook, NTP

007: Navigating Nutritional Noise with Whitney Shook, NTP

The world of nutrition is in the midst of a dizzying pendulum swing. With so many loud and conflicting opinions, it's hard to know what's right for you. In this episode, I chat with my colleague, Whitney Shook, NTP, about how to find (and trust!) what works for you....

006: RTT and the 3 Rules of the Mind

006: RTT and the 3 Rules of the Mind

In this episode, Holly shares more about her experience with RTT hypnotherapy, and she also discusses Marisa Peer's 3 rules of the mind. What's Covered in Episode 6 What is RTT (Rapid Transformational Therapy), and the benefits Holly has seen Marisa Peer's 3 rules of...

005: How to Stop Worrying About What Everybody Thinks

005: How to Stop Worrying About What Everybody Thinks

Worrying about what everybody thinks can hold you back in so many areas of life. If you constantly find yourself rehearsing the judgement of others before it even happens, you're in the right place. What's Covered in Episode 5 The simple trick I learned from Martha...

004: Make Friends with Impostor Syndrome

004: Make Friends with Impostor Syndrome

Do you ever have the feeling that everyone else has their life figured out — except for you? And you're the only one who's totally clueless and lost? You're not alone. Most people feel this way, and the phenomenon is called "impostor syndrome." In this episode, I'll...

003: Heal by Being Yourself with Claire’s Food Freedom

003: Heal by Being Yourself with Claire’s Food Freedom

I've always said the root cause of my health spiral was not being myself, and I see this show up with most of the clients I coach, too. Today, I'm interviewing Claire Fletcher, who worked with me to resolve her debilitating Hashimoto's symptoms. She thought she needed...

002: When Nutrition and Supplements Aren’t Working

002: When Nutrition and Supplements Aren’t Working

Have you ever been in a place where you're doing "all the healing things" and still not seeing results? Maybe you've tweaked your diet and supplements endlessly, but you're still tired, your hormones are out of whack, and you don't feel good. If so, this episode is...

001: Confessions of a Health Coach

001: Confessions of a Health Coach

Welcome to the inaugural episode! I'm spilling the beans about my new direction, my intentions for this show, and why you've probably had a really hard time changing your habits. We'll explore self sabotage, the mind-body connection, the power of positive self-talk,...