
Shift your subconscious, un-stick your life.

I help you release fears, beliefs, and habits that no longer serve you.

FREE Ebook + Audio Bundle: 7 Ways Your Subconscious is Sabotaging Your Health + Happiness

Why is it so hard to make progress with your goals? Usually, your conscious mind is on board, but your subconscious has a bunch of reasons why your dreams are a terrible idea. In this free ebook and audio bundle, discover how to bust past the top 7 subconscious roadblocks.

Tired of wondering, “why do I always…?” or “why can’t I ever…?”

If you’re trapped in cycles of doubt, fear, or self-sabotage, it’s easy to think you have “no willpower” or you “don’t have what it takes.” The truth is that your subconscious mind is running an outdated program that it perceives as helpful, which is why it’s so hard to change.

Through hypnotherapy and coaching, I help you access, understand, and update these programs so that you can achieve your goals and live the life you know you’re capable of. My approach is helpful for many challenges, including:   



Feel like you need to dim your light to fit in? Do you have a hard time speaking your truth? I’ll help you find the courage to be your real self. The world needs you, just as you are.



Have a bad habit you just can’t kick? Or a healthy habit you wish you could be consistent with? Hypnotherapy is an incredible tool for habit change.



Struggle with fears, anxieties, or “not-good-enoughness”? My work helps you release emotional wounds at the root-cause level, so you can experience freedom and lightness.

Let's get to the root cause — so you can move forward with ease.

How Sharon Resolved Debilitating Health and Safety Anxiety

How Sharon Resolved Debilitating Health and Safety Anxiety

My dear client Sharon came to me with debilitating fears around illness, death, and accidents. In just a few months, we worked together to drastically reduce her fears so she could embark on the trip of a lifetime. Here is her inspiring story, in her own words: “I am...

RTT for Imposter Syndrome: Anne’s Story

RTT for Imposter Syndrome: Anne’s Story

Have you ever struggled with fears that you'll be called out, “found out,” or misunderstood? Do you get trapped in cycles of seeking more and more knowledge, instead of taking action with the knowledge you already have? That was the case with my client Anne, who came...

What's possible with hypnotherapy?

In just one month, my client increased confidence at work, decreased painful fears of rejection, and released old feelings of “not good enough.”